The little church with the big heart welcomes you!
Join us each Sunday at 9am on Grace Church Lane!
Bible Study — Tuesday at 1 pm. (443) 414-1582.
Yoga at Grace Parish Hall — Tuesdays at 4 pm and Fridays at 10 am. Contact Mary Ashton (540) 229-011​4.
The Center Lunch — Wednesday at noon, Grace Parish Hall. Bring a dish to share. Call Judy Ball (540) 409-3005.
Sew What — Second Saturday every month at 9:30am - location varies. Call Barbara Jacobs (540) 222-5385.
Flower Ministry — Sundays. (540) 272-0014.
Meals on Wheels Ministry — call Susan Payne (540) 222-7362 if you would like to participate.
Feed My Sheep Ministry — call Carol Grove (540) 229-9246.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Activities are open to all. Please come and enjoy the fellowship.​​