December 2022
December 2022
Christ the Savior is Born!
Christ the Savior is Born!

Weekly events:
• Yoga at Grace Parish Hall. Contact Mary Ashton for days and times (540-229-0114.)
• Sew What? and any other creative tasks you would like to bring will be held at Grace Parish Hall in Casanova this month on December 10 from 9:30 to 12:30. We will be working on charity quilts this month.
• The Center lunch held each Wednesday at noon, Grace Parish Hall. Bring a dish to share!

Join us for our Christmas Services:
Christmas Eve Service will be held at 4:30 PM at Grace Church. This is a change from the notification in the Grace Notes Newsletter; please spread the word!
It's Fall!
join us for some fun...
•Sew What? and any other creative tasks you would like to bring will be held at St. Luke’s Parish Hall in Remington this month on October 29, 2022 (rather than the usual second Saturday) from 9:30 to 12:30.
•The Center lunch held each Wednesday at noon, Grace Parish Hall. Bring a dish to share!

Sunday, November 6, 2022 will be a joint (shared) service with St. Luke's, held at Grace Church. Please be aware that the service will begin at 10AM. Also, Daylight Savings Time will end and clocks will be turned back one hour on the night before!
Holy Week 2022
Holy Week 2022

Happy Birthday Michael!
Happy Birthday Michael!
Sunday, September 19th, 2021, we celebrated the birthday of our talented, dedicated and "punny" organist, Michael Calhoun! We love you, Michael!

July 2021
July 2021
At present, the Diocese is asking vestries and priests to make prudent decisions with reference to COVID-19 and COVID safety. This is being requested as a result of the recent breakthrough infections among the vaccinated at the Olympics and others throughout the country. Do we consider restoring masks for indoor worship (especially since we are singing) ..... should we have coffee hour outside particularly if food is to be shared? Or would those measures be an overreaction?
Let us begin by erring on the side of caution, strongly encouraging the unvaccinated to wear a mask and the vaccinated to do the same as they feel the need. Ask altar preparers and the presiding priest to wear disposable gloves. Refrain from having the elements (bread and wine) brought forward from the back, rather leaving them on the credence table beside the altar. Ask that food preparers and sharers at all church events use and have disposable gloves available. And, of course, we will keep hand sanitizer at the ready.
Certainly, this is a minimalist approach to protecting the unvaccinated and deterring breakthrough infections, but we are hopeful it will be exactly enough to keep our church family safe without having to return to extreme measures."

The little church with the big heart welcomes you! Join us each Sunday at 9AM on Grace Church Lane!
[address shown at left]
What am I missing?
What am I missing?
Please check out these events that will be happening a Shrine Mont this year. Take advantage of the beauty, history, and solitude this holy place offers you!
Not shown here is the event at the very end of October that is specifically designed for those over 55; however, all are welcomed! This is called Fall Camp and will occur 25-28 October 2021.
For more information on Shrine Mont, please visit Shrine Mont's page

🎈 June 2021
🎈 June 2021

May 2021
May 2021
On Sunday, May 30, 2021, we will gratefully and joyfully return to the Church Building! Mask mandates have been lifted; however, we encourage you to wear a mask if not vaccinated.
On Sunday, June 6, 2021, we will be celebrating with a Homecoming, followed by a country meal outside - pray for a pretty day! More to come, so stay tuned!
On May 23, 2021, we celebrated a Joyous Pentacost with guest celebrant, Rev. Michael Guy! Check out the Photo Gallery!
From the Bishop's Office
May 14, 2021
On May 13, 2021, the CDC stated that people who are fully vaccinated against the Coronavirus may stop wearing masks in most indoor or outdoor settings.
Later in the day, Governor Northam announced that mask requirements for indoor spaces will remain in place in the Commonwealth of Virginia for the time being. What does this mean for our worship this weekend, May 15 and 16?
Masks are not required for outdoor worship or other outdoor church activities. If the congregation will sing while worshiping outdoors, we recommend that masks be worn because of the increased risk of spreading the virus through airborne droplets.
Masks must be worn by everyone for indoor worship and all other indoor church activities.
As these developments are fleshed out by the CDC and the Virginia Health Department, we will continue to adjust our guidelines accordingly.
Beginning this Sunday, May 2, 2021, Church will begin at 9 AM because, we are happy to announce that our partner ministry, St. Andrews, will be returning to its services that follow ours. We will be worshipping in the Parish Hall on Weston Rd. (see address at left)
Also announcing:
Bishop Jennifer Brooke-Davidson will be visiting this Sunday. Please come out to welcome her!
What am I missing?
What am I missing?
Please check out these events that will be happening a Shrine Mont this year. Take advantage of the beauty, history, and solitude this holy place offers you!
Not shown here is the event at the very end of October that is specifically designed for those over 55; however, all are welcomed! This is called Fall Camp and will occur 25-28 October 2021.
For more information on Shrine Mont, please visit Shrine Mont's page

April 2021
April 2021

April 7, 2021
April 7, 2021
You know what the saying is about April...
you know.... the showers...
Grace will be holding services in the Parish Hall for the month of April 2021, using the sound system and beginning them at 10AM. However, because we have a marvelous sound system, you may remain in your car or sit outside if you are still uncomfortable with indoor worship, or if it ends up not raining and you'd just like to enjoy the outdoors. Hope to see you this Sunday, 11 April 2021!
Services at Grace for the remainder of this Holy Week are:
NEW! April 1st (Maundy Thursday) 5PM in the Parish Hall
April 2nd (Good Friday) 12 noon at the Labyrinth (on Church grounds) - bring a lawn chair
April 4th (Easter Sunday) 10AM in the Church yard with a SURPRISE for the children at the end!

March 2021
March 2021
COVID-19 Update!
March 25th
COVID-19 Update!
March 25th
Bishop Ted has been notified by the Diocese (Bishop Susan) that if our county is in the Orange, Yellow, or Green category, according to
we have an approved plan, we may worship inside! We appear to be in the Orange AND, we DO have an approved plan. So, we will worship on Palm Sunday in the Parish Hall, according to our approved plan. See you there on Sunday at 10!
Holy Week and Easter
We gathered for Ash Wednesday and thanks to The Jacobs we could hear the service in our cars! We had to cancel Lent 1, but since then we have observed a holy (and quite unique) Lent! We certainly did not cancel Lent this year!
God willing, Holy Week will happen! On March 28 at 10 AM we will observe Palm Sunday with a simple procession and Holy Eucharist. A Good Friday Liturgy will be held at 12 noon on April 2, and on Easter Day, April 4 10 am we will celebrate The Holy Eucharist .
Mark your calendars, spread the word, and open your hearts to the love revealed on the cross and our eternal hope proclaimed from an empty tomb.
Bishop Ted

On March 14, 2021, we were back to our outside seating arrangement! Join us at 10!
(Check out the photo gallery!)
We are currently worshipping every Sunday in our cars with the benefit of a grand sound system. Holy Eucharist is being celebrated and brought to each car. As time passes, we expect to be outside again very soon. Please join us at 10AM on Sundays and check this page frequently for updates to our seating arrangements.
February 2021
February 2021

February 27, 2021
It's On!!!
February 27, 2021
It's On!!!
There will definitely be church tomorrow. Please come and remain in your car to stay dry! Speaker system will be bagged so that it will not get wet but you can still hear. We look forward to seeing everyone!
February 20, 2021
February 20, 2021
Grace Family,
We had planned to have a church service tomorrow, February 21, 2021, but it is extremely icy and dangerous there. So, Bishop Ted felt it would be safer to cancel. Hopefully, we will see everyone next week!
Mary Neal,
Sr. Warden
February 18, 2021
February 18, 2021
We have been approved to begin 10am outside worship again this Sunday, February 21, 2021. We have a sound system and welcome you to stay in your car as we worship together.
February 13, 2021
Due to inclement weather, services are cancelled for Sunday Feb. 14. Bishop Ted has recorded the sermon for St. James', so you can go to the St. James' website and watch their service tomorrow.
We are still planning on having an Ash Wednesday service this coming Wednesday at 12 noon. This will be a drive-in service so park facing the church and please remain in your vehicle.
Thanks and be safe
February 12, 2021
We will try to have a drive-in service again this Sunday at 10 AM. Please park facing the church and remain in your vehicle. In case of inclement weather we will contact folks and place a cancellation on Facebook.
We will also have an Ash Wednesday drive-in service this coming Wednesday at 12 noon.
February 6, 2021
February 6, 2021
Due to the forecast for inclement weather for tomorrow, church services planned for Sunday Feb. 7th are cancelled and we will plan on meeting on Sunday Feb. 14.
February 4, 2021
A Message from our current Senior Warden, Bryan Jacobs:
"We will be having a Drive-In service this Sunday at 10:00 at the church. Please park facing the church. You MUST remain in your vehicle. Bring your Prayer Book. We will distribute hymnals for your use. Please keep these and treat them as your own and bring them each Sunday until we can meet again face-to-face.
Thanks and see you Sunday."
January 2021
January 2021
Unfortunately, we are unable to gather during this time; therefore, we were unable to hold the Annual Congregational Meeting. For this reason, we have posted the Church's Annual Reports for 2020 herewith. You will note that some of the reports that are usually a part of the annual event are absent. This is because much of our activity was extremely limited. With this in mind, please know that we are still feeding over 70 local families through the Feed My Sheep ministry and welcome your help with this endeavor. Additionally, the annual elections are being handled via the regular mail system. There were four vacancies this year and there were four candidates willing to run for election. The mail-in ballot also included the option of submitting other candidates. As soon as all ballots are received (due February 1st, 2021) and a full count completed, the update will be posted here and included in the March edition of Grace Notes.
Questions pertaining to our 2020 activity are welcomed, either through this site, our Facebook site, or via one of our contacts displayed under "Contact" (a sub-page of this Home page.)
Keep the faith! Be blessed and know that we are praying for you!
January 8, 2021
Presiding Bishop Curry - A Word to the Church
"Where two or more are gathered, I will be in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:20
Thinking that the above might be the case on a cold, snowy Christmas day at Grace Church, God touched the hearts of many! Nineteen people attended the wintry, cold service and were warmed by the presence of the Almighty!
The Church doors were opened so that the beautiful, new banners, made by Barbara Jacobs, could be enjoyed. Everyone sat outside, tightly bundled in winter coats, scarves, hats, and gloves, in the chairs that had been pre-measured to be six feet apart. And God was there!
See Photos in the Photo Gallery

To test your memory and familiarity with all things “Grace,” a photograph of some aspect of Grace Church will appear in this column every Monday for you to identify.
Some of the images in the photographs will familiar. They will be labeled “Easy” and display one asterisk to indicate their level of difficulty. Many will require more familiarity with Grace, will be labeled “Moderate,” and display three asterisks. Several will be images that are especially hard to identity. These will be labeled “Challenging” and display five asterisks.
The correct identification of the images posted on Mondays will posted on following Fridays.
Keep track of your successes. Enjoy discussing your identifications with others. Delight in your expanding knowledge of all things Grace.
Stay well and have fun!
⁃submitted by Diane Gulick
Monday, December 28, 2020
Photo #12
Level of Difficulty: Challenging
This photograph is a detail of the white wooden fence that encloses the churchyard of Grace Church.
Happy and healthy New Year, Everyone!

Monday, December 21, 2020
Photo #11
Level of Difficulty: Easy
This is a photograph of Grace Church taken Monday afternoon.
The lamp and entry fence posts are decorated with Christmas greenery and bows.
Wreaths and poinsettias are on their way.
A communion table and a lecturn for Bishop Gulick will soon be set in the bell tower outside Grace’s front doors.
Chairs spaced at least six feet apart in the churchyard await your arrival for this year’s 3:00 p.m. service on Christmas Eve, Thursday, December 24.
Make a reservation (540-222-0355,) dress warmly, come in peace and with joy to celebrate the birth of our Lord.
Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 14, 2020
Photo #10
Level of Difficulty: Challenging
The interior of Grace Church is filled with beautiful textiles, needlepoint, and embroidery created by the handwork of generations of talented congregants to glorify our Lord.
The damask fabric pictured this week was selected to reupholster chairs near Grace’s altar. Thank you, Barbara Jacobs, for this lovely gift to our church.

Monday, December 7, 2020
Photo #9
Level of Difficulty: Moderate
This is a detail one of several crepe myrtles that surround the labyrinth at Grace Church.
In the 2000’s, Judy Ball suggested creating a landscaping plan for Grace’s labyrinth. Judy and Greg Huddleston collaborated to devise a plan based on their ideas and suggestions from the congregation. Greg provided watercolor sketches of the finished design. These were given to Lee Highway Nursery to get an estimate of its cost. An informal fundraising campaign began at Grace to cover the costs of the landscaping plan. The funds were raised, and the nursery was hired to provide and plant the graceful Deodar cedar trees which surround the stone labyrinth. A later planting of crepe myrtles complements the original labyrinth landscape design.

Monday, November 30, 2020
Photo #8
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Answer: This is the church's sundial. It can be found in the churchyard. Visit the church to see if you can discover in whose memory it was given.

Monday, November 23, 2020
Photo #7
Level of Difficulty: Easy
This is a photograph of section of Grace’s lovely labyrinth. Several members of Grace provided the following information:
Jim Chipps was Grace’s rector when Betsy Anderson suggested that a labyrinth fill the space between the church and its family center.
The suggestion was well-received by the congregation. Bobbie Gouldthorpe procured grant money to cover the labyrinth’s costs. Its design was provided by the diocese. Jimmy Walton and crew managed its construction. Members of the congregation worked with him to lay its stones. A stone bench and kneeler mark its center.
Grace’s labyrinth serves its congregation well as a means of meditation, reflection, and prayer.
This year on Thursday, December 24, 2020, the labyrinth will be the site of Grace Church’s Christmas Eve service at 3:00 p.m. Bringing a mask, a chair, and perhaps a warm blanket, please come to celebrate the birth of our Lord at this unique and safe setting.
All are welcome.

Monday, November 16, 2020
Photo #6
Level of Difficulty: Easy
This photo is a detail of one of the stained glass windows behind the altar at Grace.

Monday, November 9, 2020
Photo #5
Level of Difficulty: Challenging
We all know this is a sketch of Grace Church, but does anyone know who is the artist that drew it?
If so, please share all that you know about the artist and the drawing by e-mailing
No one responded with the name of the artist who sketched this familiar picture of Grace Church which appears on the cover of our Sunday bulletins.

Monday, November 2, 2020
Photo #4
Level of Difficulty: Challenging
Stacked Surplus Supply of Slate Shingles
In 2019, Grace Church’s roof was in very poor condition. Parishioners walked around a bucket holding water from the leaking roof as they approached the altar to receive communion.
A “Raise the Roof” fundraising campaign, requesting donations from the congregation, friends of Grace, and the local community, proved exceedingly successful and the roofing job was completed in time for all to return to Grace to attend 2019 Christmas services.

Monday, October 26, 2020
Photo #3
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Grace Church Main Entry Door, Plate, and Keyhole
The two main entry doors of Grace Church, as well as the main entry doors of the parish hall, bore a distinctive turquoise blue color for decades.
Recently, Grace’s vestry voted to paint the church’s main entry doors a bright red color in accordance with a tradition going back to medieval times. The doors’ red color symbolizes the blood of Christ.
There are other explanations for why Episcopal Church doors are usually painted red. In earlier times, the red-colored doors sometimes indicated that the church’s mortgage had been paid off. A simpler explanation is that the practice makes Episcopalian churches more easily recognizable.

Monday, October 19, 2020
Photo #2
Level of Diffculty: Moderate
This needlepoint covering of a kneeler rests under a chair near Grace Church’s altar.
Barbara Jacobs thinks it may have been stitched by one of a group of ladies at Grace in the 1960’s.
Does anyone know the name of the lady who made this? Was it in honor or in memory of someone?
Did Grace Church have a needlepoint guild in the 1960’s?

Monday, October 12, 2020
Photograph #1
Level of Difficulty: ***
ANSWER: This first photo is one of a cast iron finial that serves as an ornamental fixture on the cast iron fence that encloses part of the Grace Church cemetery.
A “finial” is a decorative element at the top, end, or corner of an object.
As you can see, this one was once painted gold.